DMK Enzyme Therapy

  • Skin Consultation & Enzyme Therapy

    Price: $250

    Time: 1hr 15min

    First timers this is for you!

    DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy encourages blood circulation and oxygenation by using your own lymphatic system. This unique treatment helps to flush away toxins and free radicals as well as stimulating collagen production. Enzyme therapy is the basis of all DMK skin revision treatments and works to create long term healthy functioning skin.

  • Enzyme Therapy - Level 1

    Price: $200

    Time: 1hr 15min

    Beginners this treatment is for you!

    DMK’s signature Enzyme Therapy encourages blood circulation and oxygenation by using your own lymphatic system. This unique treatment helps to flush away toxins and free radicals as well as stimulating collagen production. Enzyme therapy is the basis of all DMK skin revision treatments and works to create long term healthy functioning skin.

  • Enzyme Therapy Level 2

    Price: $250

    Time: 1hr 30min

    Time to turn things up a notch!

    We are able to challenge the skin a bit more each time you visit, tailored formulations to treat conditions such as acne, pigmentation, scarring, rosacea, and age management, followed by the DMK enzyme mask 1 or 2, that works to firm, tighten, and strengthen the skin and finished with a blend of serums, oils, and cremes.

  • Enzyme Therapy Level 3 - Muscle Banding

    Price: $280

    Time: 1hr 30min

    The ultimate anti-ageing treatment!

    DMK Muscle Banding is a technique used to lift, tone, and tighten the skin. It works by causing the muscles to contract, reinvigorating circulation, increasing amino acids, and restoring optimal function. It rebuilds a stronger healthier better functioning skin, stimulating collagen and elastin and strengthens the matrix, giving skin back its bounce.

 Enzyme Therapy FAQs

  • If you have had a crisscross of red veins appear after a treatment that is fantastic! It means that your capillaries have been flushed of toxins and the blood has been loaded up with fresh oxygen and nutrients to deliver to your skin cells. DMK calls this the Plasmatic Effect and it is a great way to determine how optimally your skin is functioning. The stronger the Plasmatic Effect the healthier your skin! It does not hurt, nor does the skin experience any change in temperature due to the Plasmatic Effect. Usually about 10-20 minutes after a treatment the Plasmatic Effect will disappear entirely, leaving you with post Enzyme glowing skin!

  • The number of treatments you require varies depending on the severity of your skin condition, how long you have had it, and if there are any underlying contributing factors. During your initial skin consultation your dermal therapist will be able to create a customised treatment and Home Prescriptive program best suited to achieving your dream skin!